Sunday, July 23, 2017

Saturday, July 1, 2017
The woman brought in the meal: clam soup with boiled fish. Very much a shore meal, it seemed. That was all right but as he began to eat she opened a large paper umbrella and put it over him.
“What’s that thing for?” He wondered if it were some kind of custom of the region.
“Well, if I don’t put this up, the sand will get in your food.”
“How is that?” he said, looking up in surprise at the ceiling, where, however, there were no holes at all.
She followed his eyes to the ceiling.”The sand sits in everywhere. Almost an inch piles up if I don’t sweep it up every day.”
“Is the roof faulty?”
“Yes, pretty much so. But even if the thatching was brand-new, the sand would sift in anyway. It’s really terrible. It’s worse than a wood borer.”
“A wood borer?”
“An insect that eats holes in wood.”
“That’s probably a termite, isn’t it?”
“No, no. It’s about this big… with a hard skin.”
“Ah. Well, it’s a long-horned saw beetle then.”
“A saw beetle?”
“Long whiskers and reddish, isn’t it?”
“No, it’s sort of bronze-colored and shaped like a grain of rice.”
“I see. Then it’s an iridescent beetle.”
“If you let it go on beams like these rot away to nothing, you know.”
“You mean the iridescent beetle?”
“No, the sand.”
“It gets in from from everywhere. On days when the wind direction is bad, it gets up under the roof, and if I didn’t sweep it away it would soon pile up so heavy that the ceiling boards wouldn’t hold it.”
“Hmm. yes, I can see it wouldn’t do to let the sand accumulate in the ceiling. But isn’t it funny to say that it rots the beams?”
“No, they do rot.”
“But sand is essentially dry, you know.”
“Anyway, it rots them. If you leave sand on brand-new wooden clogs they fall apart in half a month. they’re just dissolved, they say, so it must be true.”
“I don’t understand the reason.”
“Wood rots, and the sand rots with it. I even heard that soil rich enough to grow cucumbers came out of the roof boards of a house that had been buried under the sand.”
“Impossible, he exclaimed rudely, making a wry face. He felt that his own personal concept of sand has been defiled by her ignorance.”I know a little about sand myself. Let me tell you. Sand moves around like this all year long. Its flow is its life. It absolutely never stops-anywhere. Whether in water or air, it moves about free and unrestricted. So, usually, ordinary living things are unable to endure life in it, and this goes for bacteria too. How shall I put it… sand represents purity, cleanliness. Maybe it serves a preservative function, but there is certainly no question of its rotting anything. And, what’s more, dear lady, to begin with, sand is a respectable mineral. It couldn’t possibly rot away.”
She stiffened and fell silent. Under the protection of the umbrella which she was holding, the man, as if hurried, finished eating without a word. On the surface of the umbrella so much sand has collected he could have written in it with his finger.

The sky was heavy with stars.

( The Woman in the Dunes, Kobo Abe)